Why do we need TCP?
We are ensuring the future well-being of the Northern Coromandel Communities.
We want to live in our rural area with access to a wide range of medical, social, education and training services and resources, but our residents face challenges...
Our rural, isolated communities are increasingly impacted by centralisation of essential health, wellbeing and educational services.
Our current clinic and local resources cannot continue to support the increasing needs of our residents and visitors as the current premises are leased and cannot be upgraded.
Our population is ageing and is forecast to increase with an older demographic as bach owners retire to the upper Northern Coromandel Peninsula.
This will support our community in its long term sustainability.
In 2017, a feasibility study was conducted (with funding from Working Together More Fund), which included consultation with key stakeholders, and which found that the project was “a feasible solution to the identified demographic and isolation needs in the area."
Community consultation included running four workshops across the Northern Peninsula (119 attendees) to gauge the appetite for community support, and to hear opinions, ideas, concerns and questions. For those that missed the consultation, opportunity was provided to watch the workshops online and contribute by questionnaire. Consultation with current and potential service providers to our community, alongside consultation with other key organisations, youth, community groups, and stakeholders also occurred.
The Colville Project is a community-led project.
Consultation with the community in The Project’s early stages, confirmed strong community support for The Project. The Feasibility Study (2017) found that, “the findings from community, user group and visitor surveys, community and stakeholder interviews, youth focus group and documents indicate that the proposed Project is supported by the community, visitors and service providers” (Momentum, Summary, page 6).
Further community consultation in 2019, (with a focus on the Concept Design created by Beca), reaffirmed community support for the project, and sought opinion regarding the concept plan, and community priorities regarding development stages and aspirations/values regarding building approaches. (These continue to impact on project development).
Communities have demonstrated their support for the project financially, giving over $1million dollars both to enable the purchase of the land for the project, and as donations to the building of the Wellbeing and Education Centre. TCP Trustees have been in communication and in consultation with Iwi from the beginning of the Project. We continue to discuss the interlinking between Project and iwi values and aspirations, as well as opportunities to be involved in decision making.