Community Meetings November 2019

On the 16th & 17th November 2019 our communities came together, in several beautiful locations around the area, to discuss TCP, its progress and to agree the priorities of the communities in respect to what the project can offer.
We talked about where, when, how, what and why we need the project and what we should be doing first.
We discussed land options, fund raising plans, building types and what we could do to support the realisation of the project. And we had had some fun connecting with each other and the project Trustees.
Overwhelmingly we want to get on with building the health & wellbeing centre so that we can provide the facilities so that the clinic and CSSC can continue to provide, and start to expand, the services we need. And we'll make sure we have fully considered the environmental impact, and made appropriate mitigations, when we're ready to break ground.
Our need to find a piece of land to enable this was, naturally, a big topic of discussion and the upshot is that we continue to look at the availability in the area, either to purchase or on a long term lease.
A very big thanks to all who came along and took part and to those who couldn't attend but provided their input.
If you have any further thoughts or ideas please don't hesitate to let us know by email at, on our Facebook or Instagram pages.